Artificial Harmony


Artificial Harmony

The condition known as “Artificial Harmony” is one that subtly affects many different teams. It may come as a surprise to some, but I encountered it really early on in my employment with Learning Unlimited. I contributed to the culture of being excessively pleasant and comfortable. However, “fear of conflict” related to “limited trust” prevented my team from achieving its full potential, despite the fact that we had created an environment that was calm and courteous.

The appearance of health is enhanced by artificial harmony. The more obvious symptoms of team dysfunction, such as destructive confrontation, yelling, and hostility, are absent due to the fact that individuals are being kind and seem to be respectful of one another. On the other hand, when one delves deeper than the surface, one discovers fragile egos, anxiety, limited trust, and poor performance that are all caused by a “fear of conflict”

Artificial harmony undermines the innumerable benefits and advantages that come with genuine collaboration. It stifles progress and prevents highly functional teams from having the enjoyment and satisfaction that comes with great performance.

When teams fearlessly embrace Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and implement his wickedly practical methodology, they may feel the profound happiness, growth, and pride that naturally emerges from genuine teamwork. The “Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” is a further logical answer to the problem of artificial harmony.

Do You Want To Overcome Artificial Harmony?

If you want to overcome artificial harmony in your organization then we have a series of assessments that we think can help you.

First, we recommend starting with the Everything DiSC Workplace® assessment. This assessment will help you understand how to build trust as a member of your team.

Next, we think you should consider taking The Five Behaviors® Personal Development assessment. Working through this assessment will help you understand the Five Behaviors model and how conflict plays a role in productivity.

Lastly, if want to learn more about how you handle conflict effectively, then we recommend that you consider the Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict assessment.

You can save today by using the code harmony25 when you buy all three assessments today.

Mike Todd

Mike Todd

Learning Unlimited Corporation (LUC) ambassador; a battle-tested 31-year enterprise. LUC has experience in every industry worldwide with leaders at all levels. LUC exists to help people and organizations LEARN. Developing leaders, building cohesive teams, and advancing healthy cultures through consulting, training, and strengths coaching is our joy, our privilege, and our craft.

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